Are you up to date on your training requirements?

Staying current on your job-related training keeps you and your company both safe and free from costly violations. If you haven’t already checked out Envicomply for your training needs, now is the time.

Your environmental, safety and occupational health training is available in individual courses or in packaged job-specific curriculums. Visit now to learn more.

Envicomply is here!

2018 brings bigger & better things for your #ContractorTraining. New year, new look, new name, even better training experience… introducing Envicomply! Visit now and check out all the great updates & enhancements to your Contractor Training. #newyearnewus #envicomply



Something BIG is happening to your ECATTS Contractor Training! The big news is being revealed in the New Year…… so keep a look out! #contractortraining #biggerandbetter #newyearsmakeover

Need Tips to Stay Green this Season?

Looking to make your holidays a bit more “green” this year? Whatever the holiday, everyone should agree on preserving our environment during their celebrations. Here are some great (and easy!) tips to do just that:

  • Give the Gift of Time –  There’s so much waste during the holidays. This is a great time to teach kids that the best things in life aren’t really things at all! Think about gifts of time instead. Bringing people together and planning activities can really bring out the holiday spirit.
  • Deck the Halls Naturally – Instead of expensive & store bought decor, why not decorate with items found in nature like pinecones for ornaments, boughs for garland or cinnamon and cranberries for table arrangements.
  • Recycled Wrapping Paper – Ever thought of reusing those brown paper bags from the grocery store? Tie with raffia and some holly or greenery to make a custom (and earth friendly) gift package.
  • Light Up the Holidays with LED Bulbs – Thankfully, the new generation of holiday lighting uses far less electricity than from days past. LED lights are ultra-efficient and energy saving.
  • Freshen the Air Naturally – Instead of artificial air fresheners, try homemade scents like hot mulled cider, evergreen boughs, fresh apples and cinnamon sticks. (And don’t forget that favorite smell of fresh baked cookies!)
  • Consider Alternatives to Traditional Holiday Cards – Why not try an e-card this year? In addition to saving paper and money on stamps, you don’t need all that extra time for shipping so there’s still time! Now that’s a win-win.


Have a happy holiday season, everyone!

Client Quotes of the Day

Positive customer feedback from our wonderful Navy clients:

“Great training. Much needed throughout the military… straight to the point.”

“I love this training because it was very simple and easy to understand. There were also visuals to help identify and remember locations and types of storage tanks. The information was just enough and not too overwhelming.”

“Informative refresher. It was an excellent Environmental Awareness Training.”

“keep up the good work.”

“The training is very well presented.  Easy to understand and comprehend.”

 “You guys did an amazing job creating this training and keep up the great work.”

Way to stay updated on your training, Navy! Keep up the good work.

Hello, Autumn. Hello, Training.

Today marks the first day of Fall!

I hope you’re one of the lucky ones that gets to experience cooler weather or change in colors this season. And remember, a new season means a fresh start. Will you start off on the right foot? Staying in compliance at the workplace means staying up-to-date on your training. Make sure to take the training you need to keep yourself and your company safe. Visit now to get started.